Wedding Photography Consultation


Wedding Photography and in fact weddings can sometimes be daunting. I have put together, an affordable but valuable little package for you to benefit from my years of wisdom, behind the camera and beside the bride.

So how can this help you?

I have a handy little package set up ready for you, which includes:

  • A pre-labeld folder ready for all your researching inspiring ideas that will help keep them organised so that no matter how many details you want to include, it will always stay manageable and easy to recall when you need it.

  • It includes a 45 minute 1:1 call with me, where we can talk through your photography ideas and work out what you really want from your dream photography deal, so that you can get the best package possible for your budget.

  • It will also include, an active spreadsheet with all the tabs and tables you need to keep track of your budget, goals and suppliers. to top it all off,

  • I have also thrown in a full, time focused check list of your wedding to-do’s so that you can prioritise your list the closer you get to your special day.

You may be a few weeks away or a few years away from your day, it will help you take stock of where you are and we can talk through any of the last minute elements you have to do.

Don’t forget, it’s your day, so it’s your say - I am here to help, and talk through any aspect of your wedding

This package is on a 50% off offer during Covid-19 Lockdown, so be sure to make the most of all the juicy info and top tips packed into this package and get in touch asap.

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